Suboxone Detox Treatment: Risks of Using Suboxone To Treat Addiction

July 9, 2021

 Drug dependence and mental diseases are sad and dangerous problems millions suffer from. But on top of there being thousands of rehab centers across the country, there are several ways you can treat your addiction– from solo and group therapy to medical detox.

suboxone detox in arizona

One way to medically detox from drug addiction is with suboxone detox treatment. Unfortunately, there lies adverse and addictive effects to using this drug to treat addiction. 


How Suboxone Can Treat Opioid Addiction

People undergoing treatment for an opioid addiction usually take suboxone, a prescription medication designed to do just that.

dangers of detoxing using suboxone

Besides the medication naloxone, one of its main ingredients is opioid buprenorphine. When combined, the effects of the two are reduced cravings for addictive opioids like heroin, fentanyl, and oxycodone.

Suboxone can help you manage withdrawal symptoms while detoxing from opioids. People often continue taking this medication to control cravings throughout their treatment and rehab. 

But it’s important to note that suboxone does not cure opioid addiction but rather helps you during the recovery process.

Suboxone Side Effects

This drug has a few adverse effects– some are mild, others may be more serious. Typically, they go away after a few days to a couple of weeks.

Listed below are some of the common side effects of suboxone.

— Anxiety
— Depression
— Insomnia
— Headaches
— Nausea
— Fever
— Fatigue
— Muscle pain
— Sweating
— Constipation
— Mouth redness
— Burning tongue

Sometimes, suboxone side effects may be more severe. These are more likely to happen if you take huge amounts of it. So if this is the case or if they do not subside, consult your doctor or pharmacist.

— Breathing problems
— Severe allergic reaction
— Liver damage
— Hormone problems (adrenal insufficiency)
— Coma
— Abuse, dependence, and addiction


The Dangers Of Detoxing Using Suboxone

Because its main component is an opioid, suboxone has the risk of becoming addictive.

In the United States, the drug is classified as a Schedule III controlled substance. By the definition of the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Schedule III drugs have a moderate to low potential for psychological and physical dependence.

With that said, only doctors with a certification from the Department of Health and Human Services can prescribe suboxone.

Disadvantages Of Long-Term Suboxone Use

Drug detox in a treatment program is meant to eliminate substance dependence. While taking a physician-administered drug in place of opioids is less hazardous, long term-use can prove to be dangerous.

As with many other substances, prolonged use of suboxone can up your tolerance and increase the potential of dependence, abuse, and addiction.

If you become addicted to suboxone, the impact is not only on your physical health. You can experience drastic changes in your behavior and damage your social life.

— Money problems
— Compromising work for or because of the drug
— Isolating yourself from friends and family
— Lack of personal hygiene

Suboxone Withdrawal Symptoms

If you are dependent on suboxone and you haven’t taken it in a while, or if you are in treatment for addiction, you may undergo these withdrawal symptoms.

— Headaches
— Digestive problems
— Insomnia
— Irritability
— Lethargy
— Fever
— Chills
— Muscle aches
— Lethargy
— Depression

Suboxone Overdose Symptoms

In worse cases, you can overdose on suboxone. If left untreated, an overdose on this drug can also be lethal. You are more likely to suffer an overdose if you take copious amounts of it or combine it with other substances.

Suboxone overdose symptoms include:

— Blurred vision
— Chills
— Confusion
— Anxiety
— Dizziness
— Headaches
— Fatigue
— Anxiety
— Slurred speech
— Loss of coordination
— Nausea
— Vomiting
— Stomach pain
— Sweating
— Loss of consciousness


Recovering From Suboxone Dependence With A Suboxone Detox Treatment

You might ask, “how long does it take to detox from suboxone?” Well, there is no answer set in stone as that experience differs from person to person.

suboxone detox protocol

Generally, suboxone detox treatment and rehabs depend on the length and severity of the substance use disorder (SUD)– the longer you have been addicted, the longer the detox process will be. On the other hand, some recovering addicts might only experience withdrawal symptoms for at most a couple of weeks.

While there is no blanket or definitive answer to how long a suboxone detox takes, the best we can get is this guideline.

1-4 days

The height of physical symptoms. The first few days are going to be uncomfortable and exhausting. But this stage should pass after a few days.

7 days

A week into detoxing from suboxone, you may still feel muscle aches, have mood swings, and experience sleeping problems.

2-4 weeks

At this point, the physical symptoms should subside. However, you will begin to undergo psychological symptoms, which include depression, anxiety, and intense drug cravings.


The Best and Safest Suboxone Detox Treatment

Although a suboxone detox treatment is helpful in treating opioid addiction, it does have the potential to be addictive itself. When it comes to addiction treatment and suboxone detox protocol, the first and best method is seeking help in a recovery center.

how long to detox from suboxone

Places like Buena Vista Health and Recovery Centers are well-equipped to help patients medically detox from drug abuse safely. Our drug detox programs include opioid drug detox, prescription drug detox (both of which are ideal for a suboxone addiction), and stimulant detox.

Click here to learn more about our medical detox programs, as well as the symptoms of addiction and withdrawal.

Are you seeking help or know someone needing suboxone detox in Tucson? Then, turn to Buena Vista Health and Recovery Centers.

You can contact us at (800) 922-0095, or go to any of our locations: 

29858 N. Tatum Blvd.
Cave Creek, AZ 85331

3033 South Arizona Avenue
Chandler, Arizona 85248

5151 East Pima Road
Tucson, Arizona 85712

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