Journey After the Destination: Overcoming the Fear of Leaving Rehab

July 30, 2021

People tend to see the road to recovery from substance abuse as a linear journey that ends with a clear destination. However, this is often not the actual case. While it is true that the journey to attaining sobriety is complex, the journey after can be just as challenging. Before diving into overcoming the fear of leaving rehab, it is essential to familiarize ourselves with the initial journey.


What is Rehab?

The term “rehab” is an abbreviation for the word “rehabilitation.” It is most commonly linked with a program or facility that treats people addicted to substances such as drugs and alcohol or that assists people in recovering from particular medical illnesses.

What are the Benefits of Rehab?

One of the primary advantages of going to a treatment facility is the structure that it gives. To keep patients focused and prevent distractions, treatment programs emphasize creating daily routines full of productive tasks and counseling sessions. Routines are critical in replacing self-destructive habits with beneficial ones that promote healing.

fear of leaving rehab

Another significant advantage of drug and alcohol treatment is that patients will be in a safe and supportive atmosphere with individuals who understand precisely what they are going through.

What Are Some Types of Rehab?

Some examples of drug addiction treatment programs are the following:

Self-Help and Peer Support Programs 

Connecting with other people battling a substance use problem can help keep one accountable for their recovery. It’s absolutely essential to talk about a problem with people who have been through a similar experience.

Outpatient Addiction Treatments

The services provided by outpatient addiction treatment programs differ. They are distinguished because they are either one-time or recurring appointments during which the program is carried out. These are outpatient treatments, meaning the patient does not remain at the treatment facility. Another type of outpatient program in Arizona is the intensive outpatient program. These programs work for patients who need extra support in their recovery period but must also continue their daily routine.

Inpatient Addiction Treatments

Inpatient treatment programs provide the most intensive and all-encompassing level of intervention and treatment. These programs can be as brief as 30 days or as long as a year or even longer in the case of sober-living homes. Also, inpatient therapy has the advantage of involving an intensive and holistic approach to altering the person’s interaction with addictive substances. 


Having to Go Back to Society

After acknowledging your problem and committing yourself to recover from addiction, you would most likely have gone through an inpatient addiction treatment program for it. 

However, it is not realistic that you stay inside the bubble of a rehab center for the rest of your life, as it is only meant to reinforce you with what it takes to remain sober. Eventually, you will have to graduate from rehab. In this scenario, finally leaving rehab and embracing life after can be just as tricky as the rehabilitation process itself. 

scared of living

Nearing the end of your stay in rehab, you might find yourself saying, “I’m afraid of change,” or that you are scared of relapse, or that you might succumb to your fear of withdrawal. However, these are all normal, and once you understand what causes these burning questions in your head, you will be better equipped to overcome them.


What Causes the Fear of Leaving Rehab?

People in rehab dread returning home because they know how vulnerable they will feel in a normal atmosphere. 

They may be afraid that they would lose many rehabilitation features when they complete treatment and return home. And they will no longer have a regular timetable that revolves around sobriety and recovery from addiction. They may not be exposed to the same supportive environment that allows them to feel supported and confident. 

Living at home may entail a lot of hard work, poor relationships, and, worst of all, open access to alcohol or drugs. They may no longer be in a sober environment and may even have friends or family members who continue to drink and judge their decision to stop. All of these factors might harm someone who is already very vulnerable. 


3 Ways to Overcome the Fear of Leaving Rehab

Fortunately, there are many ways for people to cope with the fear of leaving rehab. The following are three ways that can help you if you are scared to enter society.

The first step is to start planning for your transition before you even leave. Before leaving rehab, you should freely communicate your expectations with rehab counselors and health professionals, including the coping skills you will need to build. 

Secondly, you should come to terms with the realities surrounding relapse. To ensure a smooth transition, you’ll need to understand how to prevent relapse triggers and break previous patterns.

Lastly, you can explore aftercare programs that offer former patients some of the structure and support they received while in treatment, but they can access it while living independently. These programs may include relapse prevention, which is critical in the first few months following treatment completion.


15 Tips in Dealing with Relapse Tendencies

fear of withdrawal

Know that your spiritual, emotional, and bodily well-being are the foundations of your recovery. These 15 tips will assist you in understanding the significance of prioritizing these parts of your life so that you can remain focused on a successful recovery:

1. Establish and stick to a daily routine.
2. Create a new positive mindset.
3. Set reasonable goals.
4. Address depression and anxiety as soon as possible.
5. Look for new hobbies and make time for them.
6. Connect with support groups regularly and attend frequent sessions.
7. Inform your family about your process of healing.
8. Plan to return to work or school gradually.
9. Fill your free time with activities and household duties.
10. Create new positive relationships while removing toxic ones.
11. Maintain a balanced diet by planning and cooking your own meals
12. Maintain your fitness by engaging in everyday physical activity.
13. Make spiritual well-being a priority.
14. Make time to contemplate and reconnect with your commitment.
15. Help others through volunteering or providing other sorts of aid.


Embracing Life after Rehab, One Step at a Time

Transitioning out of rehab and the whole rehabilitation process can be difficult. There is a lot to think about, prepare for, and recognize to keep your commitment to sobriety. However, there is no need to feel overwhelmed as it is a process that you do not have to face alone, and the very same people who helped you with your rehabilitation can also help you overcome what comes after. 

Do you require expert assistance to help you return to life in society and complete your recovery?

Contact Buena Vista Health and Recovery Centers right away! You will have access to suitably qualified and devoted staff specialized in detox and therapy for addicts that will work with you on your recovery journey. To get started, call us at 800-922-0095 today.

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