What Does Treatment Look Like at an Arizona Addiction Recovery Center?

April 11, 2023

Written By: Emiley McEwen BS Criminal Justice, MBA Finance

Arizona is the sixth largest state in the United States, and it is home to some of the best addiction recovery centers. There are so many reasons to choose Arizona to get your treatment. From the beautiful weather and the gorgeous scenery to the number of treatment facilities and the progressive laws that Arizona has regarding addiction treatment. And honestly, you don’t have to be from Arizona to get treatment here! An Arizona addiction recovery center might just be the perfect place for you to receive addiction treatment. 

Arizona Addiction Recovery Centers

Arizona is home to some of the best addiction recovery centers in the country. Arizona offers a wide variety of treatment options that include inpatient and outpatient programs. Each of those programs includes an individualized treatment plan that incorporates and considers all aspects of your recovery. 

Buena Vista Recovery has four beautiful treatment and recovery centers in Arizona, including:

  1. Cave Creek
  2. Chandler
  3. Scottsdale
  4. Tucson

We have clients from all over the United States and love serving the people of Arizona. But we also have people from California, Florida, Nevada, Colorado, Texas, Georgia, New Mexico, Illinois, New York, and Utah that have thrived at our facilities. Sometimes, it is best to get out of your current environment to receive treatment, and Arizona is an optimal place to do that. 

The Weather Won’t Be an Issue

One of the best reasons to choose Arizona to receive your addiction treatment is because the weather is beautiful here. Although the summers are hot, it is perfect weather for water activities. The nights don’t get too cold in the summer, allowing you to soak in some sunshine even in the evening hours. 

The winters aren’t too cold and are relatively mild compared to many other states. That allows for some outdoor activities to still take place during the winter and fall months. The perk to that is fewer people struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder during the winter months compared to those of other states. An elevation of mood can be very helpful during addiction treatment. Addiction treatment is hard enough without having some seasonal depression to work with. 

Arizona State Laws Make It Easier to Seek Help for Addiction

Arizona has some of the most progressive laws regarding addiction treatment. The state’s healthcare system is one of the best in the country. It offers a wide range of services to those that need them. There are over 160 Arizona addiction recovery centers waiting to help any people in need. 

In 2018, the state passed the Arizona Opioid Epidemic Act. This has helped create an “all hands on deck” approach. That means getting everyone involved in helping with opioid and other addiction epidemics. This law allows facilities to use medication-assisted treatment at all licensed behavioral health residential facilities. It also appropriates $10M toward providing treatment to the uninsured and underinsured that are in need of treatment. 

They are teaching public servants like law enforcement and county health department to administer naloxone when they observe someone overdosing. They have initiated something called the angel initiative. This allows someone to walk into a police station, hand over their drugs, and ask for treatment help without the risk of prosecution. They also help find secure placement for children in the event the parents need to go to treatment. 

There Are Many Aftercare Program Options

Not only are there many treatment facilities, along with new laws that are helping people get the treatment that they need, but there are also many aftercare programs available to people after they leave treatment. Aftercare programs can help provide amazing support to those once they leave treatment. This can help them stay sober while reintegrating back into society and in the early stages of their recovery.

Many of these aftercare programs are located at treatment facilities. So you might not even need to go very far to access them. They can help you stay connected to the resources that you need after treatment. Things like 12-Step meetings, access to therapists and counselors, and even provide a way for you to stay connected with other people who are going through similar things as you. 

An Arizona Addiction Recovery Center Might Be What You Need

Looking at everything Arizona has to offer, it might be the perfect place for you to receive treatment for your addiction. It doesn’t matter if you are struggling with opioid, marijuana, or alcohol addiction. There are facilities all over the state that can help you. The weather makes it so enjoyable and comfortable all year round. There are so many reasons to choose an Arizona addiction recovery center to fight your addiction. You just have to make the choice to come!

Arizona is a beautiful state with amazing views and beautiful weather year-round. You don’t even have to be from Arizona to benefit from receiving treatment here. We have people from all over the United States come to our facility to get amazing help from our exceptional staff. We have four treatment facilities in four major cities here in Arizona. All you have to do is call today so we can help you get started in your treatment. If you or someone you love is struggling with an addiction, Buena Vista Recovery can help you overcome this addiction and finally get back to living the life that you have always dreamed of. For more information, call (480) 741-9414 today.

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