Learn About Addiction from the Professionals

From the Grave to Grace: The Burning Bush

October 15, 2020
Written By: Frank Eisenhauer
I knew with every fiber of my being that everything was going to be alright. I knew I didn't have to fight this battle alone anymore. In fact, I knew I didn't even have to fight this battle, at all anymore. How did I go from a hopeless drug addict, to a confident and faithful man in the blink of an eye?

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The Story of Jesus G. Gutierrez

October 5, 2020
Written By: Naomi Vega
For many years I have attempted to write down a story of my life. Trying to chronical a part of my history to see if some of my journey can help another.  I say “another” because I know that I cannot save everyone; but my hope is that maybe I can at least help one other person. 

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When Is Detox Necessary?

September 9, 2020
Medical detoxification, also known as withdrawal management, refers to helping an addicted individual undergo the physical and emotional process of cleansing his or her system of a drug or other substance. When is detox necessary, and is it needed in every circumstance?

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Why Is Detox Necessary?

August 14, 2020
When the body has grown accustomed to getting a certain substance, eliminating that substance can instigate severe physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms. Detox — which is short for detoxification — is the name given to the process that takes place as a substance naturally leaves the body.

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Many people joke about it, but social anxiety disorder (SAD) is a legitimate, diagnosable mental health concern. Feeling awkward and nervous in social situations or in certain settings and scenarios is normal. However, feeling so uncomfortable in social situations that you rarely get out and experience sheer terror or panic is a diagnosable mental health condition.

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Sobriety and boredom often go hand in hand. Before undergoing rehabilitation, a person addicted to alcohol likely filled his or her time with activities related to drinking. Tracking down and using substances and spending time with others who share the habit can take up much of the day. After getting sober, however, your time won't be filled with these efforts.

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Statistics tell us that 40% to 60% of individuals with a substance use disorder will relapse. Those numbers are suitable in normal, everyday existence, but the COVID-19 pandemic has injected unthinkable challenges.

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Many times, friends or family wonder whether or not their loved one is suffering from just simply substance abuse, or if there is an underlying mental health issue. It can be very difficult to understand whether or not the mental health symptoms are caused from the substance abuse or vice versa. The truth is, either one may develop first, but the substance abuse can be the chosen form of self-medication.

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The process of choosing a rehab facility is a crucial one that comes with several important factors to consider. To be fully committed to rehabilitation, you want to find a facility that offers everything you need to succeed in your recovery. Local treatment centers may seem convenient, but might not offer all the same benefits of going out of state.

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Common Signs Of Addiction

February 11, 2019
Written By: James Rich , AS
It isn’t always easy to tell if someone has an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Though if you suspect that a loved one may be addicted, your suspicions should be taken seriously.

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