How to Prepare Before Entering an Addiction Treatment Center

April 14, 2023

Written By: Emiley McEwen BS Criminal Justice, MBA Finance

Every day, more and more people choose to take the step of entering a treatment program to get help for their addiction. There are so many different treatment options available for those who want it. But when you are going to enter a treatment facility where you may stay for 30-60 days, it is important to understand the step you should take to get everything in order to be successful and completely present at the addiction treatment center that you chose. 

Plan Ahead and Research an Addiction Treatment Center

if you are finally ready to take the plunge into getting help for your addiction, it is time to start looking for the best addiction treatment centers. There are many different things to consider when you are looking for treatment centers. 

  • Do you want to stay local to your area? 
  • Are you willing to travel and go to another area or even another state? 
  • Do they offer options for both men and women? Or do they only treat one sex? 
  • Do they have individual rooms or shared rooms? 
  • What is the cost? Do they have financial assistance? 
  • Do they take your insurance? 

There are many different things to consider. Take the time to think about all these things before you choose a treatment center. It will help you get to the center that is best suitable for your needs as soon as possible. 

Make Sure You Have a Strong Support System

Family is a big part of your support system. It is important that you have some of your family on board with your decision to enter treatment. Your family members will be there for you through the ups and downs that you face through treatment and recovery. But they may not know how to properly support you. By having them along this journey with you, we can help them learn the best ways to support you through this process. 

Family and friends can also help you prepare things to get ready for treatment. Those close to you can help with childcare, transportation, insurance verification, and other things. They also provide a vital amount of emotional support to you as you go through treatment. 

Family and friends are not the only important part of your support system. It is also important for you to find and make connections with other people who have been through treatment and know what it is like to be in your shoes. If you don’t know anyone personally, making connections once you get into treatment can be helpful. When you feel like you have no support, you can reach out to these resources to see if they can help you with the process of getting into a treatment facility that is right for you. 

Know Your Medical History for the Addiction Treatment Center

It is very important for you to know your medical history. And what medication you are taking or have taken in the recent past. This can help the doctors and nurses at whatever facility you choose to better help you. We want to make sure that whatever treatments you receive will not interfere with any medical problems you may have or any medications you currently take or recently took. 

Set Up Your Financials

If you are going into an inpatient facility where you will be staying for some time, it is important to figure out who is going to take care of paying your bills while you are away. You can call all those you pay money to monthly and prepay for however long you will be away. You can also set it up so a trusted friend or family member can pay them for you while you are gone. 

It is important to leave detailed instructions for whoever may be taking care of your financials. That way, you do not come home to a disaster at the end of treatment. Also, you can be in treatment with a clear mind and not have to worry about everything going on on the outside. 

Being Successful at an Addiction Treatment Center

Treatment can only be effective if you are committed and prepared when you enter treatment. The best way to be the most successful is to rely on your support system and have a plan. You want to get everything you can think of set up and taken care of before you go. It is crucial not to feel like you have a ton of things to worry about while you are trying to receive treatment. That will just distract you and keep you from being present during treatment

Although it is good to have a plan, it is also very important to be flexible and understanding. We could plan out every second of every day. There will still be times when things do not work out in the way that we want, which is okay. Try your best to go with the flow and adapt as things happen. And try to remember that all things can be fixed and dealt with. Don’t let small things derail your progress.

Getting treatment for your addiction is one of the most courageous things that you can do. It can feel overwhelming, intimidating, or even isolating. But take a breath and remember that putting your mental health and well-being is an act of love. Take it one step at a time, and make a plan. Try to get help from those around you that love you. They want to help, and they want to see you get better and stay healthy. If you or someone you love is struggling with an addiction, we can help you and answer any questions that you might have. For more information, call Buena Vista at (480) 741-9414.

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