How to Decide if a 12-Step Program Is Right for Me

May 30, 2023

Written By: Buena Vista Recovery

When you are struggling with addiction, it can be challenging to sort out what the best treatment will look like for you. A 12-Step program might be something you are considering. If you are uncertain whether a 12-Step program is the right choice for you, you are not alone. It is a difficult decision and it is normal to feel overwhelmed. However, learning about the 12-Step program at Buena Vista Recovery might be the perfect solution.

What Is a 12-Step Program?

A 12-Step program is based on the twelve traditions outlined in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). These traditions are founded on the principle of surrendering to a higher power to achieve and maintain your sobriety. The program relies on peer support groups, which are considered to be a necessary part of recovery throughout the 12-Step process.

If you go through the 12-Step process, you will complete each of the steps on your own timeline. However, the program relies on members’ continued efforts to take each step to stay sober. Along the journey, you can share your challenges with others in the program. This type of support allows you to learn from others, get support, and provide help and support for peers.

At Buena Vista Recovery, a 12-Step Program is available in which you can obtain peer support and learn the steps that can help you be successful in your recovery. After treatment, you can continue to attend meetings that have the same basic format and structure as the program in treatment. These meetings are anonymous, which helps to protect you from feeling overly exposed. However, the groups give you an outlet to share your challenges and feelings that you may not be comfortable sharing in other parts of your life.

Is a 12-Step Program Right for You?

Finding a program that is the right fit for you is important. However, this search can feel overwhelming. However, you may not know if the 12-Step program is the perfect fit for you until you try a group. You may need to try several before you discover one that suits you. Fortunately, you can also try a 12-Step group while in a treatment program and decide whether it is helpful for you.

However, it is also helpful to think about what kind of support and structure you find useful. A 12-Step program will include a structured system of steps for you to take to be successful in recovery. For many, this structure is helpful. It may even become an integral part of your self-care strategy after you return home from treatment. However, occasionally some people don’t find this structure appealing.

Additionally, these peer support groups give you a place to connect with others, get support, and help others who are also struggling with similar challenges. If this sounds like an environment that would help you through difficulties, then a 12-Step program may be worth a try.

Is It Effective?

Determining whether a program is a good fit might also include understanding whether it has shown to be effective for recovery. As a result of 12-Step programs being around for a long time, significant research exists on their effectiveness in maintaining recovery. Research published in Social Work in Public Health shows that if you participate in a 12-Step program, you are more likely to maintain your sobriety long-term. While participation varies, even a small amount of participation can be helpful for your long-term success in recovery.

Find the Right Fit for You in Treatment and Beyond

When you seek addiction treatment, you are taking the first steps to make changes in your life. During treatment, you will learn skills that help your long-term recovery outcomes. You can try out programs to see what is a good fit for you. Every treatment center is different. However, Buena Vista offers a variety of evidence-based services including a 12-Step program that you can try.

A treatment center is an ideal place for you to try out the different approaches to addiction recovery. This is because in treatment you are living in a highly structured and supportive environment. If certain treatment styles don’t work, you have many other options available to you. Additionally, if a certain approach causes issues in treatment, you have support from mental health care professionals to lean on.

When you discover what programs work for you, you can take the skills and knowledge you gain back into your life. If you find that the 12-Step program is helpful, great! There are many ways to engage in 12-Step recovery after treatment. However, if it is not the right fit for you, that is okay too. Knowing what works for you is most important. When you know what helps you stay sober, you are more likely to be successful. Remember, every path in recovery is different. Finding your path takes time, but it is well worth it in the end.

Trying to figure out what the best treatment option for yourself might be can be difficult. 12-Step programs have been around for a long time and are a good fit for many people. At Buena Vista Recovery, we understand that every person’s journey in recovery is unique. We offer a 12-Step program where clients can participate in this style of peer support. We also suggest for those who find it helpful to continue to be involved in a 12-Step program when they leave. This helps provide continuity in their recovery. If you are interested in learning more about Buena Vista’s treatment programs and how they can help you build a foundation for long-term recovery, call (480) 741-9414 today.

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