Avoiding relapse

Building Healthier Habits at Buena Vista Recovery

August 14, 2023
Written By: James Rich , AS
Building healthier habits is essential to recovering from substance use disorder (SUD) and mental health issues. Replacing maladaptive behaviors with healthier alternatives reduces the risk of relapse and improves your overall well-being.

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How Do I Adjust to Life After DUI Jail Time?

August 11, 2023
Written By: Buena Vista Recovery
When you are serving jail time for driving under the influence (DUI), your freedom can seem so far away. Life after DUI jail time will take a moment to readjust, and exploring your options for aftercare is essential in making sure that you do not lose your freedom, again.

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What Are Coping Skills for Different Types of Addiction?

July 10, 2023
Written By: Katie Noetzel, BSN, RN, CEN
Addiction is a disease that impacts every part of your life. To recover, you will likely need to get support from a treatment center. When you go to treatment, you will learn how to build a life that supports your sobriety. This includes finding coping skills for addiction that help you to manage your life after treatment.

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How Does Pain Management in Addiction Recovery Work?

June 21, 2023
Written By: Buena Vista Recovery
f you were addicted to pain medication, going back to using it is not a good option. However, there are alternative ways to manage your pain. After you have gone through detox and addiction treatment, you can begin to build skills that help you to live a life without painkillers.

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Finding Hope: What to Do After a Relapse

June 13, 2023
Written By: Katie Noetzel, BSN, RN, CEN
Addiction is considered a chronic relapsing disorder. This means that if you experience a relapse, you are experiencing a normal part of the recovery process. Learn how to find hope.

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How to Stay Inspired to Change After Drug and Alcohol Treatment

May 25, 2023
Written By: Buena Vista Recovery
Completing a drug and alcohol treatment program is a very important and exciting step. Taking that step is integral to your success in long-term recovery. However, after treatment, it is natural to lose some momentum and feel less inspired to continue to make changes that reinforce sobriety.

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How Can a Routine Help Me Thrive After Addiction Treatment?

April 25, 2023
Written By: Lynn C. Santella MSN, RN, CNOR
When you struggle with addiction, daily tasks become less important than getting and using substances. In recovery, when things don't go as planned, it can create uncertainty and cause stress. That is why a routine is essential after addiction treatment.

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