What Happens When I Arrive at Treatment?

February 20, 2023

Written By: Buena Vista Recovery

Professional treatment for overcoming substance use disorder (SUD) and any accompanying mental health disorders, challenges, stresses, and more, is necessary for an effective and transformative journey to a sober life. However, there can be a plethora of unnecessary barriers that may stand in the way of committing to treatment. 

For many, uncertainty about the recovery process and what to expect from treatment can cause an individual to resist reaching out for help. Knowing what to expect when arriving at a professional treatment facility can help deconstruct these barriers and create a healthy beginning to a truly transformative journey. 

Committing to Treatment

There is no “easy” path to overcoming addiction. Professional treatment is necessary to address the intense emotional, and physical effects addiction can have on each individual and those closest to them. 

Committing to professional treatment is an important and profound step toward healing oneself and repairing personal relationships. Whether an individual is beginning their journey in a dedicated medical detox program or is transitioning to residential treatment, being prepared for the first few steps of treatment can ensure that each individual is able to effectively engage with the transformative opportunities and communities available throughout recovery. 

Be Ready for Change

There is no journey to sobriety that does not come with a great deal of change. Not only is recovery about ceasing the use of addictive substances, but also accepting changes in routine, lifestyle, and other dimensions of personal and professional life. Mentally and emotionally preparing to try new things and embracing an open mind to new experiences before engaging in treatment can ensure that each individual can make the most of their time in these programs. 

Belongings Will Be Checked

Upon arriving at a treatment facility for an extended stay, it is normal for belongings to be checked for any restricted items. While this commonly includes drugs or alcohol themselves or any paraphernalia that may romanticize or portray images surrounding their use, it can also include a number of non-essential items, such as video game consoles or other unnecessary things. This isn’t intended to be a violation of privacy but rather a safety precaution for oneself and others navigating their own dedicated treatment.

While committing to stay on-site at a detox or residential facility is an amazing opportunity, it is common that those in recovery will not have to bring many items themselves. Rather, only essentials such as toiletries and clothing are commonly required, with many amenities and resources available at the facility. 

While books, journals, photographs, and other personal items may be permitted, there will be plenty of opportunities and resources for self-care or engagement while interacting with peers and professionals throughout the treatment program. Packing recommendations and prohibited items are always able to be discussed beforehand over the phone. Likewise, contacting the recovery facility before packing can ensure that no restricted items are brought by accident to the facility. 

Prepare for the Intake Assessment

Many professional facilities will also conduct an intake assessment where an individual will be asked various questions about their history, goals, emotional state, and more regarding their journey with addiction. The information provided by those beginning their treatment is used to create an effective plan and beginning to treatment. 

Each treatment program is personalized to meet the unique needs and goals of an individual. Emotionally preparing oneself to be honest and discuss difficult or heavy topics is necessary to provide the most accurate information and best personalize each individual’s goals, strategies, and approach to dedicated sober efforts.  

Take in the Tour

An individual will also be introduced to the amenities and culture of the facility through a tour. Getting familiar with the environment and asking questions about anything seen can be a great way to get acclimated to new routines and atmospheres in recovery. Depending on the program, an individual may also be introduced to peers. 

Engaging with the environment can help an individual best approach their recovery community. This is also the time that an individual will be introduced to their own room, as well as the rules of the facility and potentially an itinerary of regular happenings and scheduled events. 

Embrace New Routines in Treatment

A person’s time in addiction treatment is often populated with filled schedules, keeping an individual busy most of the day, every day. An individual will have to adhere to these new routines and schedules in recovery. This is not just done as a way to ensure that an individual has access to professional help whenever needed but also to help each person begin a new routine completely separate from any practices or habits that may be associated with or were birthed from the use of addictive substances. 

New morning alarms, routine meal times, scheduled activities and self-care, and more are all part of effective treatment. Approaching these programs expecting to relinquish previous routines is necessary to best embrace this new community and lifestyle in sobriety. 

Treatment can be intimidating, but it is also an important and profound step in your journey to a sober life. At Buena Vista Recovery, we combine proven therapies and professional staff with a comfortable and luxurious space for you to navigate your recovery. We empower those in recovery to attend to their own needs and explore the new lifestyles available, all while instilling life skills, coping strategies, and more. Our community of accepting and understanding peers is available to help you from your first step into detox throughout your entire recovery journey. For more information on how we can help you take this first step, or if you have any questions, call to speak to us today at (480) 741-9414 or complete a contact form.

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