The Different Types of Goals to Set for 2021

December 22, 2020

Every new year brings a boost of motivation and clean slate. One of the easiest ways to take advantage of the renewed energy of 2021 is by focusing on what goals you wish to cultivate throughout the year. Setting goals helps you:

1. Get clear on what it is you want

2. Envision yourself hitting your goals

3. Set up a game plan for the year

4. Reminds you of your priorities

5. Gives you a positive challenge to focus on

What kind of goals should you set?

You can easily overwhelm yourself with a never ending list of goals, but instead of trying to make a long list of what you hope to accomplish, try making a single goal for each of these areas in your life:

Health (mental and physical) – health related goals can include things like: starting therapy, working on your fitness, finding positive coping mechanisms, or entering rehab for a drug or alcohol addiction.

Career – career goals can be anything from getting a new job, to honing in on your current skillset, or taking time off to recuperate and decide your next step.

Financial – many people make financial goals to pay off debt, start saving more, or begin investing. Get specific when planning your financial goals, this will make it more comprehensive and digestible when you’re working out a strategy

Spiritual – after the chaos of the holiday season, you might feel called to reconnect with yourself. Work on grounding through implementing a daily meditation practice, starting the day with prayer, or connecting with a group of like-minded individuals.

Social – it’s not quite as simple as it used to be to meet up with a group of friends every week, but you can still schedule in time for virtual hangouts, distanced nature walks, or start handwriting letters to friends and family.

Share your goals with a friend to hold yourself accountable (and start working on your social goals!).

We can’t control the future, but we can control our reaction. When you’re in a place of motivation and productivity, you have a more optimistic outlook on life overall. Get started on becoming the best version of yourself today.

If you or a loved one have a goal to get help for substance abuse this year, don’t wait any longer. It only takes one time of using for something to go wrong, so get started on recovery today. Contact a treatment advisor at Buena Vista Health and Recovery Centers and learn about our top-rated addiction treatment programs.

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