Sharing Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Experience With Your Wife

August 21, 2023

Written By: Buena Vista Recovery

Men may have difficulty disclosing aspects of their treatment and recovery with their loved ones. Some men may try to withdraw from family and separate their recovery journey from their home life. However, substance use disorder (SUD) affects every member of a family unit, and husbands benefit from inviting their wives or significant others into the treatment process. According to Social Work in Public Health, “Each family and each family member is uniquely affected by the individual using substances.” Buena Vista Recovery is one of Arizona’s best inpatient substance abuse treatment centers. The care team uses evidence-based methods to ensure clients and their families actively participate in treatment and heal together. 

How Does Family Participation Improve Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment?

You may wonder why family participation is essential to addiction recovery. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), “While there is no one-size-fits-all solution for helping a family member who is drinking too much, using drugs, or dealing with a mental illness, research shows that family support can play a major role in helping a loved one with mental and substance use disorders.” The study concluded, “Families should be open to the options of support groups or family therapy and counseling, which can improve treatment effectiveness by supporting the whole family.”

Family engagement in your treatment provides you with the following:

  • Additional accountability
  • A stronger family bond and better support system
  • More practical support during early recovery 

Drug rehab and detox centers in Arizona offer a range of inpatient services to support the participation of wives and other loved ones in treatment. Some men may feel more comfortable speaking to their wives about their condition in therapy. Having an intermediary and someone familiar with substance misuse to guide the conversation reduces stress for everyone involved. Family therapy may be the best way to include wives in treatment if men have difficulty being vulnerable with their wives at home. 

How to Talk to Your Wife About Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment

Talking to your wife about inpatient substance abuse treatment should happen before starting a program. However, some husbands may feel immense guilt or shame about their condition. Avoiding disclosing the problem and potential treatment may make it easier to pretend everything is fine in the short term. However, not being honest and open about your struggles can cause relationship issues and make it more difficult to talk about them down the road. If you aren’t sure how to talk to your wife about attending treatment or your SUD, couples counseling and other resources can help. 

A few ways husbands start the discussion about inpatient treatment with their wives include:

  • Talking about the health benefits and the decreased risks associated with inpatient treatment
  • Discussing the potential triggers they may encounter outside of structured care
  • Describing how positive mental health and sobriety will improve their relationship

Wives often know their husbands better than anyone else. Making her a part of your treatment ensures her knowledge and information can be added to your personalized treatment plan to reduce the risk of accidental triggers, re-traumatization, or relapse. Buena Vista Recovery encourages families to participate in inpatient substance abuse treatment. Your wife can contribute and show her support while allowing you to regain control of your sobriety. 

How to Connect With Your Wife During Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient treatment programs provide people in recovery with a supportive community of individuals who have similar life experiences. Often, family involvement is limited during the initial stage of inpatient care to allow the client to fully immerse themselves in the recovery process and focus all their energy on healing. However, husbands can still connect with their wives and receive comfort and support through various support services, including facilitated meetings and family therapy. 

Husbands connect with their wives during inpatient substance abuse treatment by doing the following:

  • Regularly contacting them or having in-person visits
  • Communicating their needs online or in-person
  • Engaging in family therapy or couples counseling

Wives often provide more stable and consistent support than peer connections in treatment programs. You can share your experience with your wife and benefit from her support, encouragement, and insights while you participate in treatment at Buena Vista Recovery. 

How Does Buena Vista Recovery Incorporate Family Into Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment?

Inpatient treatment programs include family therapy and other support options tailored to the needs of each client and their family. You can share your experience with your wife and help her better understand your condition and what it means to live a sober life in recovery. Buena Vista Recovery helps families heal from the effects of substance misuse and build stronger futures together. Inpatient treatment allows families to grow closer and create deeper bonds.

Husbands going through therapy may feel hesitant to confide about their condition with loved ones. However, trying to spare their partner the pain of watching them go through recovery often creates setbacks. Family involvement in treatment is an essential part of recovery for many men. Husbands and wives can support and lift one another up during treatment and recovery. Buena Vista Recovery is an Arizona addiction treatment center where people get the help they need to heal as a family. To learn more about our inpatient services and programs, call us today at (480) 741-9414. You are not alone. Our team can help you and your wife heal from the effects of substance use disorder.

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