Learn About Addiction from the Professionals

Alcohol detox is a necessary part of recovering from alcohol addiction, but if you’ve been struggling with alcohol abuse for a period of time, we completely understand why you may feel scared or nervous about this treatment. Continue reading to learn more about what happens during alcohol detox, and how you can expect to feel while receiving this treatment.

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Opiates derive from the poppy plant and are often prescribed to ease the pain. When used correctly and under medical supervision, opiates provide medicinal benefits. However, between 21% and 29% of patients that are prescribed opiates misuse them. What does opiate detox do to your body? When you stop taking opiates, your body starts the detoxification process of eliminating the substance from your system. Over the next week or longer, opiate detox produces withdrawal symptoms that affect the entire body, including the brain, heart, and stomach.

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Relapsing during addiction treatment is indeed a challenging time-- not only for the recovering person with addiction but their loved ones, as well. If you know someone who might be suffering from any addiction, you’ll have to keep your thoughts and emotions in check, so you don’t push your loved one further away. In addition to treatment for chronic drug relapse, you-- a part of their support circle-- will play a critical role in their recovery. If you’re in a situation where someone you care about has relapsed, here’s what to say to them.

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People tend to see the road to recovery from substance abuse as a linear journey that ends with a clear destination. However, this is often not the actual case. While it is true that the journey to attaining sobriety is complex, the journey after can be just as challenging. Before diving into overcoming the fear of leaving rehab, it is essential to familiarize ourselves with the initial journey.

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Being scared to go to rehab is a usual scenario in the life of a person with substance use disorder. More often than not, there is a strong doubt preventing an individual from seeking professional help. From social stigma to judgment from family and friends, there are a lot of factors that make going for treatment in rehab a difficult choice. However, with enough support, hope, positivity, and trust, you can convince yourself or a loved one to overcome being afraid to go to rehab and change towards recovery, with a vision of productive life ahead. 

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Substance use disorders (SUD) are already difficult diseases to go through. Sadly, some people struggling with drug abuse also suffer from a behavioral or mental health disorder at the same time. This is called dual diagnosis. If you have been diagnosed with a SUD and a co-occurring mental health issue, your rehab plan should involve addressing both issues as interconnected mental health issues. With that said, here are five things you need to know about dual diagnosis rehab.

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Alcohol addiction is an endemic that continues to affect its fair share of victims in our society. It is a disorder that destroys lives, families, and relationships. At some point and left unchecked, it can even claim lives. The good news is that alcohol addiction is treatable. It’s all about having the courage to start and the determination to see it through. 

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Drug dependence and mental diseases are sad and dangerous problems millions suffer from. But on top of there being thousands of rehab centers across the country, there are several ways you can treat your addiction-- from solo and group therapy to medical detox. One way to medically detox from drug addiction is with suboxone detox treatment.

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Medication-assisted treatment or MAT is no stranger to myths, or more severely, fake news. In this article, we’ll explore more about MAT and why it’s a commonly misunderstood treatment for drug abuse. Moreover, we’ll bust those myths about medication-assisted treatment and provide you nothing but facts backed by science and medicine.

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