Mixing Stimulants and Depressants Dangers, Consequences and Treatment

October 15, 2021

For the past year and a half, people around the globe have been having a rough time. When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, everyone was scared for a whole range of reasons– health, job security, financial stability.

mixing stimulants and depressants

With the uncertainty the pandemic brought, everyone looked for different ways to cope. A fair few turned to positive outlets like working out, spending time with friends, and focusing on family. Unfortunately, others spiraled downward and turned to substance use and abuse.

Recently, medicine has played a massively important role in dealing with the impact of the pandemic. Aside from battling COVID-19 symptoms, people took medication to manage their mental issues. Unfortunately, some began mixing stimulants and depressants to help them get through the ordeal.

Stimulants vs. Depressants Compared

Stimulants Definition and Types

Also known as “uppers,” stimulants increase activity in the body. They speed up physical and mental processes, increasing dopamine levels in the brain and eliciting desirable short-term effects.

Doctors typically prescribe this group of drugs to treat disorders such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. While they offer good short-term effects, long-term abuse carries significant consequences. 

Stimulants are among the most commonly abused drugs. “Uppers” give you euphoric and calming feelings, as well as elevate your mood with increased dopamine production. These effects are what turn-taking medication into substance abuse and addiction. 

Types of Stimulants

There are many types of stimulants. Some are legal, and you can buy them in stores (caffeine and nicotine). Prescription stimulants are those only medical professionals can give out. On the other hand, certain stimulants are illegal due to their intense effects and the potential harm they can cause.

No matter which kind you take, there is always a certain risk for abuse and addiction. Listed below are the different types of stimulants.  

Prescription Stimulants

As mentioned before, prescription stimulants treat narcolepsy and ADHD. However, those without the disorder frequently abuse these drugs to improve their focus and cognitive capabilities, specifically students.

A 2009 survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that about 20% of students in high school admitted to taking an unprescribed prescription stimulant.

Although teens and young adults frequently abuse prescription stimulants, addiction can persist for years. Students who rely on these drugs to cope with schoolwork may grow into adults who continue using them to manage their responsibilities.

Examples of prescription stimulants include:

  • Adderall
  • Concerta
  • Dexedrine
  • Ritalin
  • Vyvanse

consequences of mixing stimulants and depressants


As a result of its euphoric impact, cocaine is possibly the most popular stimulant in the world. Usually injected, snorted, or rubbed on the gums, this white powder creates feelings of heightened excitement, euphoria, and an extreme increase in energy.

Despite the intense high, the effects of cocaine deplete rapidly, usually within an hour of taking it. As a result, users take more and frequently, leading to addiction.  


Scientifically known as 3, 4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA), ecstasy, or “molly,” is common in the club or party scene. Affecting many different neurotransmitters, this drug not only stimulates the brain but elicits hallucinogenic effects too. More than that, it increases sociability, making it a popular party drug.

MDMA is being studied for its potential to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. However, it’s currently an illicit C I class of controlled substance (Schedule I), meaning possession of it is illegal except with special permission from the government. 


More commonly known as “meth,” methamphetamine is a lot like cocaine– it gives a rush of euphoria and is highly addictive. However, once the effects wear off and you “crash,” you may feel more negative emotions, such as anger and fear. 


Abuse of anabolic steroids is not common but also not unheard of. A synthetic form of testosterone, steroids can be addictive to its users, typically athletes or people, into physical fitness or bodybuilding. (3)

Abusing this drug long-term can lead to considerable medical concerns. These include:

  • Increased risk to develop cancer
  • Development of female secondary sexual characteristics in males (and vice versa)
  • Problems with controlling emotions (anger outbursts and issues with aggression)

Depressants Definition and Types 

As opposed to stimulants, which essentially give you energy, depressants slow down brain activity. 

Although different depressants work in different ways, all target the central nervous system (CNS), reducing activity and lowering awareness in the brain. They influence the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and cause side effects like relaxation, decreased inhibition, and drowsiness.

Because of their impact on the CNS, many depressant drugs effectively treat several conditions, such as stress, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, sleep disorders, and seizures.

Despite their positive effects in treating specific conditions, depressants can become addictive, just like stimulants. If people are not careful in using them, they may need to turn to substance abuse treatment therapy to recover. (4)

Types of Depressants

Generally, there are three major types of CNS depressants: sedatives, tranquilizers, and hypnotics. But in this article, we’ll go over more specific examples.


Because of its accessibility, alcohol is one of the most widely taken depressant substances globally. However, most don’t realize it’s a depressant due to the substance’s initial “positive” effects.

When you first start drinking, you may feel relaxed. But the more and quicker you drink, you begin to feel negative emotions.

Contrary to CNS depressants’ ideal purpose, alcohol increases stress and anxiety and triggers other negative emotions like depression and anger.

More than that, chronic drinking can lead to dependence and addiction. (4)


Opioids can be likened to a double-edged sword– it’s one of the most effective treatments for pain and highly addictive.

If you take opioid medication as your physician directs, you’re less likely to develop an opioid use disorder or addiction. Unfortunately, others increase their intake and take it more frequently, developing a tolerance instead.

Once you’ve built up a high tolerance, a cycle of increasing intake begins, becoming an addiction. (5)


Doctors prescribe barbiturates to treat tension, sleep disorders, and anxiety. Although previously considered a safe depressant, this type of depressant quickly became a problem drug when abuse, addiction, and overdose arose.

Even in small doses, barbiturates can create a sense of euphoria and relaxation. Consequently, this leads some users to abuse it. More than that, it resulted in suppressed REM sleep, a dramatic impact on sleep patterns. (4)


As a response to the high abuse rates of barbiturates in the 1950s and 70s, medical professionals developed and popularized benzodiazepines (“benzos”). With their muscle-relaxing, sleep-inducing qualities, these drugs are highly effective in treating anxiety and insomnia. A less addictive alternative, these drugs are less likely to cause an overdose.

Yet, benzodiazepines still have the risk for addiction. While safe for short-term treatment, improper use can lead to tolerance development. 

stimulants and depressants at the same time

Sleeping Pills

Aside from benzos, non-benzodiazepines sleep aids (“z-drugs”) treat sleep disorders (i.e., insomnia).

Although they target the CNS and stimulate the GABA neurotransmitter, they do it differently: they don’t reduce anxiety.

Additionally, while they have fewer side effects and a lower risk of addiction than benzos, long-term use and abuse can lead to dependence and addiction. (4)

Consequences of Mixing Stimulants and Depressants

Now that we know the difference between depressant and stimulant drugs, here’s why you should not take them together.

Abusing one type of drug alone already carries its own dangers, but mixing stimulants and depressants at the same time elevates the danger of an overdose. Both drugs create opposite effects, and your body may act unpredictably, possibly negatively or fatally. 

In an interview with scientists from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, they say that taking the two types of drugs make it more likely to have an overdose and potentially die.

They add that over-the-counter drugs are “a little bit scary” because it’s unlikely to realize there is a connection between them. So, dangerous situations don’t have to include illicit drugs like heroin. Problems may arise with simple medicine for colds and alcohol.

Other consequences of mixing stimulants and depressants

  1. Heart problems
  2. Cardiac arrest
  3. Coma
  4. Breathing problems/respiratory failure
  5. Seizures
  6. Brain damage
  7. Heatstroke
  8. Stomach bleeding 

Treating Substance Use Disorders

Because of their opposing effects on the body, mixing stimulants and depressants is not only risky but dangerous. Stimulants speed up body and brain activity while depressants slow them down. Taking them together can have an adverse effect on the body.

Even taking one drug has the potential of addiction. Fortunately, you can treat substance use disorders. From medical detox to group therapy, anyone can begin their journey on recovery. 

If you’re looking for a place to heal from a stimulant or depressant use disorder, turn to Buena Vista Health and Recovery Center. Fully equipped, our team of professionals provides addiction help to anyone struggling with a substance use disorder. Along with a variety of treatment programs, we can help you get your life back.

Even taking one drug can lead to addiction. Fortunately, substance use disorders are treatable. If you’re looking for a place to heal from a stimulant or depressant use disorder, turn to Buena Vista Health and Recovery Center. Fully equipped, our team of professionals provides comprehensive addiction treatment to anyone struggling with a substance use disorder, offering a variety of treatment programs tailored to meet individual needs.

We can help you regain control of your life. You can contact us at (800) 922-0095, or visit any of our Arizona drug and alcohol treatment centers to start your recovery journey today.

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