Individualized Care Improves Pain Management in Addiction Recovery

August 16, 2023

Written By: Buena Vista Recovery

Individualized treatment programs for substance use disorder (SUD) and co-occurring mental health issues reduce the risk of relapse by providing essential tools and resources to people in recovery. Many individuals diagnosed with SUD have co-occurring chronic pain, which may impact their recovery. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), in 2019, “3.5 percent (or 9.7 million people)” misused prescription pain relievers. Buena Vista Recovery, a drug rehab in Arizona, uses evidence-based methods to provide pain management for clients with SUD.

What Is Pain Management?

Pain management often involves multiple services. Integrative and individualized care provides the best outcomes for people with chronic conditions. Rehabilitation programs prioritize pain management services because chronic pain significantly increases the risk of relapse for individuals with SUD. 

Pain management generally involves the following:

  • Physical therapy
  • Prescription medications
  • Alternative holistic therapies 
  • Behavioral therapies
  • Referrals to relevant outside services

Individuals with acute pain may require different treatment methods. Each client is assessed and treated based on their unique symptoms and circumstances. According to The Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, “The goal of acute pain management is effective pain relief, with elimination of pain as a reasonable endpoint.” Individuals in recovery may require pain medication to function. The care team will determine the safest way to provide effective pain relief. 

How Does Pain Management Impact Recovery?

Individuals who experience chronic pain during recovery may have difficulty focusing and have a higher risk of experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression. In addition, the effects of SUD may be more severe for clients struggling to manage pain. Studies have shown “Chronic pain and addiction are not static conditions. Both fluctuate in intensity over time and under different circumstances and require ongoing management.” The best treatment for one condition may negatively impact the other. A balanced approach to care is often the best way to manage pain and SUD. 

Pain management has the potential to positively affect recovery by doing the following:

  • Ensuring people in recovery remain focused and motivated
  • Making it easier to establish healthy habits
  • Increasing energy during treatment

If you previously misused substances to manage pain, finding ways to successfully manage pain in treatment will reduce the triggers and intrusive thoughts you experience. Providing a healthy way to cope with pain minimizes the risk of relapse and improves overall health. During recovery, most people with chronic pain experience periods where their condition worsens or gets better. Some changes may feel destabilizing, and receiving individualized care makes it easier to cope with those moments.

The Role of Individualized Care in Pain Management

Opioid treatment programs and drug detox services in Arizona provide people with the individualized care they need to manage chronic pain. Everyone responds differently to treatment. Support must be tailored to each person’s unique needs to be effective. Buena Vista Recovery prioritizes clients’ needs and preferences to ensure they feel heard and supported during treatment. You can collaborate with your care team to create a comprehensive pain management routine during treatment.

The role of individualized care in pain management includes:

  • Reducing symptoms to increase functionality
  • Ensuring treatments used during recovery are relevant to ongoing recovery and effective
  • Making it easier for different departments and medical professionals to coordinate care

Clients with chronic pain don’t have to be treated using pain relief medications. Individualized care often involves alternative and complementary treatment options to reduce symptoms of SUD and co-occurring conditions, including chronic pain. According to Population Health Management, “Acupuncture . . . yoga, and optimal healing environment are some of the many options currently being used and studied in the literature as options for treatment of patients with SUDs.” You can choose what pain management techniques you want to use.

Treatment Programs at Buena Vista Recovery

Buena Vista Recovery is one of the premier drug and alcohol centers in Arizona. The care team provides essential services to ensure clients have the resources they need to manage their pain during and after treatment. Clinicians collaborate with clients to find better ways to manage the pain, reducing the risk of relapse. Individuals in treatment for opioid misuse or self-medicating to cope with the pain may benefit from a combination of therapy and alternative medicine to increase the effectiveness of treatment. 

Clinicians help clients plan for long-term recovery by creating relapse prevention and crisis management plans. You can rely on them to provide strategies for coping with bad pain days and moments when the symptoms feel overwhelming. The care team will ensure you have the information and tools to maintain sobriety and manage your pain during treatment and ongoing recovery.

Managing Pain and Thriving in Recovery

Treatment programs help people with chronic conditions find healthy ways to manage their pain and physical discomfort during early treatment and ongoing recovery. Often, clients are encouraged to participate in integrative care involving multiple levels of support from medical professionals and addiction recovery specialists. Buena Vista Recovery provides case management and aftercare services to help clients manage their pain and thrive in long-term recovery. 

Individualized treatment provides the best support for people struggling with chronic pain. Pain management is more successful when the client’s specific needs are considered during the development of the treatment plan. Clients recovering from opioid misuse may benefit from alternative holistic therapies that reduce the need for additional pain medications. Buena Vista Recovery uses evidence-based methods to treat and manage chronic pain and other co-occurring conditions during treatment and aftercare. Integrative personalized care offers the best outcomes for most people with chronic conditions. To learn more about our programs and services, call our office today at (480) 741-9414. We provide pain management and other services to help you recover from SUD.

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