How Buena Vista’s Opioid Treatment Program Helps You Make Amends

August 25, 2023

Written By: Buena Vista Recovery

Individuals recovering from substance use disorder (SUD) benefit from finding healthy ways to take responsibility for how their past actions impacted others. Making amends is one way some people find peace and take accountability for past choices. According to the Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, treatment programs for SUD address multiple issues, including how to “engage in substance-free social activities; engage in mutual support programs; and/or make amends to those harmed by one’s SUD.” Buena Vista Recovery uses evidence-based therapies in opioid treatment programs to help clients find balance and hope through self-acceptance and making amends for past mistakes.

What Does It Mean to Make Amends While Attending an Opioid Treatment Program?

Making amends means taking steps to right a wrong or make up for past behaviors. According to the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, “Clients sometimes think that they have been so damaged by their addiction that they cannot experience joy, feel confident, or have healthy relationships.” Opioid treatment and other recovery programs help clients overcome these thoughts and beliefs by providing essential skills development and personal growth tools. Making amends is one-way clients repair relationships and rebuild trust.

Taking steps to make amends often involve the following:

  • Holding oneself accountable for past choices and actions
  • Taking specific actions to make something right (e.g., asking for forgiveness) 
  • Acknowledging the effect past decisions and actions have had on others

Buena Vista Recovery is an addiction treatment center in Arizona where people recovering from SUD receive the support and guidance they need to heal. Making amends to people hurt by substance misuse takes time and dedication. You can use the skills you learn in treatment to find positive ways to move forward in your relationships and make up for mistakes you may have made in the past.

How Does Making Amends Help You Move Forward in Recovery?

People make amends to help themselves and essential people in their lives move forward. Taking action to right a wrong strengthens relationships and increases self-accountability. According to Addictive Disorders and Their Treatment, “Confronting one’s problem and making amends are powerful ways to counteract the denial and self-delusion frequently displayed by addicts.” 

Making amends helps people move forward by doing the following:

  • Encouraging forgiveness and self-forgiveness for past mistakes
  • Reducing tension and building a bridge to heal relationship issues
  • Showing a willingness to make essential lifestyle changes to maintain sobriety 

Families and friends of people in recovery may doubt the effectiveness of treatment. Making amends is one way that clients can show the progress they have made in recovering from SUD. A conscious decision to avoid repeating mistakes and taking action to undo past harm helps loved ones believe and trust in the treatment process. Family engagement is important for many people during early recovery. Taking steps to amend past mistakes makes it easier for family members to feel comfortable engaging in family therapy or other support services. 

How Can an Opioid Treatment Program Help You Make Amends?

Opioid use disorder (OUD) and co-occurring conditions influence how people behave and react to life stressors. Many people feel guilt, shame, and regret about past actions made under the influence of opioids. Buena Vista Recovery offers drug detox programs in Arizona that focus on helping clients find positive ways to heal. Making amends is a way for clients to gain closure.

Several of the ways an opioid treatment helps clients make amends include: 

  • Providing individual therapy to help clients identify, analyze, and process past choices
  • Ensuring clients have a strong support system to motivate them to take steps to make amends 
  • Encouraging clients to learn healthy social skills through peer engagement 
  • Making connections between thoughts, beliefs, and maladaptive behaviors

Buena Vista Recovery opioid treatment provides clients with a safe space to explore how their behaviors have affected others. Contacting the people affected by their past actions and taking steps to make it right can help clients release negativity and focus on the positives. Opioid treatment provides many opportunities for people to make amends to those they care about most. 

Making Amends and Maintaining Healthy Changes

Buena Vista Recovery uses evidence-based and alternative holistic therapies to help clients find positive ways to address their past actions and those they have impacted. Opioid treatment programs ensure clients feel comfortable maintaining their long-term sobriety by providing the support they need to heal. 

Taking the steps to make amends often increases self-confidence and self-efficacy. People in recovery may feel more confident about making long-term healthy lifestyle changes if they can overcome challenges without reverting to maladaptive behaviors. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), “A person’s recovery is built on his or her strengths, talents, coping abilities, resources, and inherent values.” Making amends is one way to embrace more wholesome values.

Making amends for past errors or mistakes makes it easier for people to move forward in their recovery. Forgiveness and acceptance from others reduce stress and make it easier to change maladaptive behaviors. Opioid treatment programs use family therapy, peer support, and the development of essential skills to help people in recovery. You can use those tools to repair relationships and make amends for things you have done in the past. Buena Vista Recovery, a rehabilitation center in Arizona, offers a full continuum of care for individuals in recovery. The care team will guide you through how to make positive lifestyle changes. To learn more about our services and programs, contact our office today by calling (480) 741-9414.

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