Drug Addiction Treatment: How to Stay Away From Drugs & Avoid Relapse

September 24, 2021

After prolonged substance abuse, it’s important for individuals to remain abstinent from drugs and alcohol to maintain sobriety. With the support of family and friends, drug addiction treatment is more manageable and the risk of relapse is reduced. Substance usage has different effects on every individual. While others can rebuild their lives without temptation, some may have a more difficult time staying sober.

Drugs flood the brain with dopamine, a chemical that signals pleasure in our bodies. While it might feel good to relieve the body and mind of stress with drugs, it’s easy to become addicted to the feelings of euphoria. Drugs don’t come without side effects, they can harm your health, relationships, career, and cause detrimental problems later in life. There are life-threatening consequences when it comes to drug addiction. The battle to fight drug addiction and avoid relapse is a long and hard fight. 

Although addiction can happen without warning, substance abuse can be treated. If you are willing to get better for yourself and your family, that motivation can carry you through the challenges of recovery. In this article, you’ll get to know all about what drugs do to your body and learn how you can get drug addiction treatment and avoid relapse.

drug addiction treatment

What Is Drug Addiction Therapy? 

Today, there are a lot of facilities offering drug addiction treatments. These facilities offer a wide array of treatments to help battle drug and alcohol addiction. Addiction treatment centers monitor clients closely to negate the possibility of relapse, while offering healthy coping skills to replace the addiction.

Since drug addiction is seen as a chronic disorder, there will be instances that you need multiple episodes of care. Even after you have completed treatment, you’ll need to be regularly monitored by your team of doctors, nurses, and therapists. This ensures that you stay drug-free. 

Don’t worry; professionals will be with you 100% of the way. Know the best addiction treatment option for you before getting treatment. 

How Do You Stay Away From Drugs? 

The rise of drug abuse cases is alarming. As each year passes, drug abusers get younger and younger and it’s easier for people to access substances. The temptation is there, and it’s just around the corner. If you have a drug addiction or are recently clean, it’s vital to stay away from drugs. But how do you do that? 

First, you need to change your environment. If you live in an area where drugs are abundant, you should move to a safer location. Move-in with people who can help you focus on your sobriety. This way, temptations will not hinder you from getting better. Entering a detox or residential substance abuse treatment program is also a great option.

Next, you can join support groups and learn from other drug users. You can find comfort knowing that you are not alone in this journey. You’ll feel like you can do it just as they have done, and there are no judgments too.

Lastly, celebrate the small wins. Getting treatment is hard enough and appreciating small victories in your journey helps remind you of why you’re doing it. You’ll realize that you can do more without the drugs and appreciate what life is all about: living

How To Stay Away From Drugs

What Makes Treatment Effective?

You might have heard that some treatments of drug addiction are more effective than others, but it all boils down to how your body and mind respond to treatments. Here are some ways to make your treatments effective:

  • Acceptance – first, you need to accept that you are struggling. Accept that you are addicted to drugs. Then, you can focus on getting better. Denial is the enemy of people in need of treatment. 
  • Reaching Out – after you accept your problem and are willing to get treated, reach out to your doctor or friends and family. This will be a long journey, and you will need all the support you can get. 
  • Stay Focused – once you start your treatment, you must stay focused on the goal. Your goal is to get clean and stay sober. You will most likely have drug cravings, but you have the support and resources to push through. It might be a struggle now, but there is a bigger reward waiting. 
  • Know Your Treatment – don’t just undergo a treatment your doctor suggests. Do your research and see if a certain treatment will work better for you. Some treatments use prescribed drugs to fight off your addiction. Others are purely counseling. It would help if you chose what is better for you.

Is It Possible To Get Rid of Addiction?

Getting rid of your addiction is a lot of work, but you can entirely get rid of addiction. As mentioned before, you need the support and the change of environment to start. If you want to be drug-free, you need to leave your current situation. This can mean not communicating with friends who taught you how to use drugs. This could also mean leaving your current place and starting fresh in a new city. 

Addressing the problems that made you do drugs will also help greatly. You could be suffering from a serious mental illness but turned to drugs instead of treatment. A counselor can help you identify the causes of your drug addiction, if there are any.

You should be aware that treatments are not always a one-time thing. Treatments are continuous for you to get the best results. You could be in treatment for years and still relapse if you do not truly want to be sober. 

So, the possibility of getting rid of addiction is all up to you. Drug addiction treatment centers are there to help. They will make a huge difference in your journey. Be confident in yourself and surround yourself with a solid support system cheering you on.

What To Do For Relapse Prevention

Relapse can be a challenge, especially if you have been sober for years. It might feel like you’re right back to the beginning and you will have to start from scratch, but your progress is not all lost. You can avoid relapse by following these steps:

  • Understand Relapse – Relapse doesn’t always happen overnight, it can come on slowly and without warning. Stay connected with your treatment team and supports so you can watch out for signs of relapse and avoid it. 
  • Get Busy – getting busy and doing things you loved once can help you focus on your new life rather than thinking about drugs. This can look like: picking up new hobbies, joining a club, or helping others who have been in similar positions as you.
  • Attend Support Groups – attending a support group will help you have something to do. Also, people from your group could be inspirations for you. Listening to other people’s stories and relating to them will help you appreciate your journey. You’ll see through their eyes how far you have come, and relapsing will only set you back.
  • Self-care – one of the most important relapse prevention is self-care. Whatever kind of self-care looks like to you, try that. It could be reading a book, taking a quick break and getting outside, or cooking your favorite meal.
  • Know What Triggers You – knowing and avoiding your triggers will help you avoid relapsing. Know what triggers you and list them down together with how you could address these triggers without using drugs. Always remember that there are other ways than using drugs as a way of escape.
  • Get Help – if you feel like you are relapsing, get help immediately. It’s hard to undergo all those years of treatment just to relapse and do everything all over again. Reach out, people are there to help you. 

Why You Need Drug Addiction Treatment

Drug abuse is a serious case all over the world. Reports have shown that every year, the age of drug users gets younger. If you are struggling with drug addiction, you can always look for help. Usually, drug addiction is the cause of an underlying mental illness like anxiety and depression. But instead of processing the emotions, drugs are used to numb you. 

Together with a team of doctors, nurses, and therapists, Buena Vista Health and Recovery Center will help you have a brighter tomorrow. Look to the future and fight this addiction to be clean for yourself and your loved ones. This way, you can stay focused on your goal and be the best version of yourself. 

You can contact us at (800) 922-0095. Also, you can go to any of our locations below: 

(623) 323-1970
29858 N. Tatum Blvd.
Cave Creek, AZ 85331

(480) 680-0606
3033 South Arizona Avenue
Chandler, Arizona 85248

(520) 436-7860
5151 East Pima Road
Tucson, Arizona 85712

(623) 323-7986
8171 E Indian Bend Rd
Scottsdale, AZ 85250

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