7 Best Home Remedies for Managing Complications of Alcohol Withdrawal

July 19, 2021

Alcohol addiction is an endemic that continues to affect its fair share of victims in our society. It is a disorder that destroys lives, families, and relationships. At some point and left unchecked, it can even claim lives. The good news is that alcohol addiction is treatable. It’s all about having the courage to start and the determination to see it through. In this article, we’ll talk about alcohol addiction and why you should give up on it. Moreover, we’ll also discuss the expected complications of alcohol withdrawal. And to help you fully recover, we’ll give you some helpful recommendations on how to manage your withdrawal symptoms. Before we get to that, let’s first know why giving up is a wise choice.


Why Give Up on Alcohol?

Drinking alcohol is not inherently wrong. However, it becomes detrimental if you start to develop an addiction to it. If you’re an alcohol addict or someone you know is one, it’s never too late to stop from this addiction. Here are some guide questions that can help one assess if alcohol is direct to self-improvement and healthy living:

— Is alcohol a significant driver of my social life?
— Do I experience changes in behavior when sober?
— Do I always seek alcohol during my waking hours?
— Am I experiencing problems with family and friends?
— Do I depend on alcohol during times of distress?
— Am I underperforming at school or work?
— Am I out of control?


Complications of Alcohol Withdrawal: Signs and Symptoms

Alcohol detox problems

Giving up alcohol is not a straight road. You will experience withdrawal symptoms that’ll make you feel different emotions, feelings, and sensations. However, nothing worth it comes easy. Though some people experience minor to severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms, there’s a way to beat it. If you’re about to begin this journey, it’s wise to know what lies ahead of you. Here is a non-exhaustive list of alcohol withdrawal signs and symptoms:

— Emotional changes
— Depression
— Shakiness
— Uneasiness
— Rapid heart rates
— Recurring thoughts about drinking alcohol
— Rationalizing that a small amount of alcohol can alleviate the symptoms


How to Manage the Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal

One of the most dreaded complications of alcohol withdrawal is the withdrawal symptoms. It is the point where the person has the strongest urge to go back to the old ways. However, with sheer will and determination, following the steps below can help you fight alcohol withdrawal.

Join Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) is a famous group that aims to provide a safe space for alcohol addicts to meet other people experiencing the same problems. It is not necessarily one of the home remedies for severe alcohol withdrawal but is a remedy that starts from yourself. 

Attending A.A. meetings can help you gain phasing and momentum in controlling your urges. Also, connecting with people who share the same struggles can help you feel more motivated to get better.

Practice Self-awareness and Mindfulness

Recovery starts with you. If you want to know how to treat severe alcohol withdrawal or at least beat withdrawal symptoms, you need to practice self-awareness and mindfulness. In a general sense, it’s all about acceptance and perseverance. You have to accept that the road to recovery is not easy. Hence, being self-aware that recovering from addiction is a long and arduous path can help you maintain your expectations during the process.

Mindfulness can help you beat withdrawal symptoms because being mindful means recognizing the presence of the symptom. In other words, you’re not ignoring it or denying it. Recognizing it helps your brain gain control over it as time passes.

Engage in Physical Activities

How severe is alcohol withdrawal

Exercise is one of the best home remedies that can beat the complications of alcohol withdrawal. When exercising, the body releases serotonin which improves your mood. Moreover, physical activities promote blood circulation, which helps your mind relax and forgo the desire to drink alcohol. 

Always Stick to Your Goal

How severe is alcohol withdrawal? For some, it can be pretty intense, almost similar to opioid withdrawal symptoms. In any case, the key is to remain steadfast with the treatment plan. Sticking to the plan and the end goal can help you go through phases of withdrawal. In times of doubt, always remember why you started. Remember your motivation why you want to stop drinking alcohol. Then, see how far you’ve improved. That’s how you fight withdrawal symptoms.


Meditation helps you relax both physically and mentally. It can help you become more mindful and self-aware of your current situation. Meditating can help ease the strains of withdrawal. With continued meditation, you’ll feel lighter in your daily expositions.

Stay Healthy

Withdrawal symptoms usually start on the fourth day of skipping alcohol. During this phase, try to stay healthy as possible. Alcohol detox problems arise when people try to self-medicate to manage symptoms. However, natural detox is the best way to do it. Be hydrated, drink vitamins, and eat healthy foods. Let the body do its job while you try to get better.

Seek a Counselor or Psychiatrist

If you have severe withdrawal symptoms, you may need the help of a counselor or psychiatrist to guide you in this recovery process. Though this is not required, it is highly recommended for those who aren’t improving on their own.


What are the Benefits of Skipping Alcohol During the Recovery Phase?

Skipping alcohol has a lot of health benefits for an ex-addict. Though it can be hard at first, it will become bearable as you continue to follow your goal. Here are some of the things that recovery can do to your body:

— Healthier heart and liver
— Decreased chances of getting cancer
— Improved social relationships
— A better understanding of oneself and one’s urges
— Improved quality of life
— Better decision-making skills
— Stronger body
— Self-discipline


How Can I Get Started?

Recovering from alcohol addiction starts with yourself. There are a lot of ways and interventions that aid in the recovery process. However, you’ll have to do most of the groundwork. Even if you have the best recovery treatment in town, the lack of determination and willingness to get better will put to waste everything. Hence, recovery starts with you.

Alcohol detox problems

At Buena Vista Health and Recovery Center, we can help you find the best treatment and recovery plan that suits your lifestyle and personal trails. We are one of the best places to recover from alcoholism in Arizona, and we are proud to share that we’ve helped many people get better from addiction. Our mission is to guide you on your road to recovery. We’ve helped people suffering from alcohol poisoning fight their way to sobriety. Be one of our successful patients and enroll in our program. Contact us now at 800-922-0095 to get started. 

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