Substance Abuse Treatment in Scottsdale, AZ

Tatum Ranch, Arizona Receiving area

When you’re looking for a reputable recovery center in Scottsdale that offers evidence-based care, come to Buena Vista Recovery. Located about 45 minutes north of the city in Cave Creek, our opioid rehab center in Scottsdale is your regional choice for drug rehab, as well as one of the leading rehab facilities anywhere. Whether it’s you or a loved one who needs addiction treatment, we offer a safe, structured environment where highly rated programs help patients move toward happier, healthier lives. Our center is family-focused, patient-oriented and committed to the long-term sobriety of every individual we serve.

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Why Choose an In-State Treatment Facility

When you’re comparing options for drug and alcohol rehab in Scottsdale, there’s no denying the benefits of staying local with our top-rated facility. Patients enjoy the following advantages at our in-state Cave Creek facility:

  • Reduced costs — Going to a local treatment facility for drug rehab in Scottsdale means being able to drive to treatment rather than paying for a flight. It also eliminates the need for hotel stays, eating out and other expenses associated with out-of-state rehab programs.
  • Local support from loved ones — If you have a network of people here in Arizona who are committed to your recovery, why leave them out of the rehab process? They could be your greatest assets. By choosing drug rehab in Scottsdale, AZ, you make it possible for your loved ones to be involved in group therapy and to visit you and offer emotional support.

Our Programs at Buena Vista Recovery

Considered a leading Scottsdale alcohol treatment center, Buena Vista Recovery specializes in three types of substance abuse treatment programs. To learn more about our programs, click the links below:

  • Medical detox — Our medically supervised detoxification services aim to create a healing process that is as safe and comfortable as possible for our clients. Length of stay varies from two to 10 days, depending on the interventions required.
  • Inpatient — At our inpatient rehabilitation facility, we provide care for seven to 28 days. Our professionals spend considerable time uncovering the deeper issues that lead to addiction, working with patients one on one and in group therapies each day.
  • Therapy — We offer a variety of therapies, from 12-step programs to grief therapy to trauma-focused therapy. This gives us a large toolbox from which to draw as we create individualized programs for the patients in our care. Our goal is always to help patients move toward happy, healthy and substance-free lives.

At Buena Vista Recovery, we understand that the first step is often the hardest part of recovery. When you come to us, we give you all the support you need to move forward. Find insurance verification information online, and reach out to us anytime to get started on your path to recovery.

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