Alcohol addiction

Although drinking alcohol isn’t commonly liked by everyone, most people drink it for various reasons. Drinking alcohol may be associated with celebrations, gatherings, or a simple way to end a meal. Having a drink now and then would probably not be harmful to anyone. Drink too much, though, and you might be facing a lot of problems.

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Addictive substances such as alcohol affect different parts of the brain. These include the elements responsible for planning, decision-making, and pleasure-seeking. Unsurprisingly, when someone starts to develop a hi-jacked brain because of Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), some aspects of their characteristics change.

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Common Signs Of Addiction

February 11, 2019
Written By: James Rich , AS
It isn’t always easy to tell if someone has an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Though if you suspect that a loved one may be addicted, your suspicions should be taken seriously.

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